Orgãos Sociais
2018 – 2021 Direção

Co-Founder at Closer

Allen Vasconcelos | Vice-Presidente
Deputy Marketing Director at EDP

Daniel Barradas| Vice-Presidente
Founder at Live Sketching

João Cruz | Vice-Presidente
Partner and Co-Founder at Closer

Luís Bettencourt Moniz | Vice-Presidente
Marketing Manager at SAS

Luís Duarte | Vice-Presidente
Director at KPMG

Maria Conceição Mota | Vice-Presidente
BI & Financial Apps Manager at Fidelidade

Miguel Castro Neto | Vice-Presidente
Professor and Associate Dean at Nova IMS

Miguel Moreira | Vice-Presidente
Independent Consultant

Miguel Raposo Alves | Vice-Presidente
CEO at Odell Global Investors

Nuno Araújo | Vice-Presidente
Professor at Lisbon University

Pedro Martins | Vice-Presidente
IT Director at Novo Banco
Quem Somos Mesa Assembleia Geral

Miguel Carvalho | Presidente
Founder and CEO at yubuy

Fernando Resina da Silva | Vice-Presidente
Partner at Vieira de Almeida & Associados

Manuel Dias | Vice-Presidente
Business Analytics Lead at Microsoft
Quem Somos Conselho Fiscal

Pedro Miranda | Presidente
Diretor Geral at SIBS Processos

João Geraldes | Vice-presidente
Professor Universitário ISCTE e I. Piaget

André Rufino | Vogal
Senior Manager at AGEAS