Executive Director at DSPA
Dean at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
André Melo - Chief Data Officer at Acceleration Portugal
Chief Data Officer at Acceleration Portugal
Inês Pacheco- Connectivity Pre-Sales Lead at Capgemini Engineering
Mayuri Tendulkar- Director in Software and Digital Innovation Team at Capgemini Engineering
Connectivity Pre-Sales Lead at Capgemini Engineering
Director in Software and Digital Innovation Team at Capgemini Engineering
Guilherme Ramos Pereira- Executive Director at DSPA
Executive Director at DSPA
Ricardo Chaves - Executive Diretor at BPI AI Center of Excellence
Executive Director at BPI AI Center of Excellence
Manuel Dias- Board Member at DSPA and National Technology Officer at Microsoft
Board Member at DSPA and National Technology Officer at Microsoft
Fernando Matos- President at DSPA
President at DSPA
Sofia Marta - Country Manager Google Cloud Portugal
Miguel Gonçalves - CEO at Magma Studio
Manuel Dias - Board Member at DSPA and National Technology Officer at Microsoft
Fernando Matos - President at DSPA
Country Manager Google Cloud Portugal
CEO at Magma Studio
Board Member at DSPA and National Technology Officer at Microsoft
João Blümel - Mind-reader
Ricardo Ferreira Reis - Director at CEA (Applied Research) and CESOP - Catolica Sondagens (Polling and Public Opinion) Centers
Director at CEA (Applied Research) and CESOP - Catolica Sondagens (Polling and Public Opinion) Centers
Aalok Yashwant Shukla - Founder and CEO at MIA Making Intelligence Accessible & Implement AI
Founder and CEO at MIA Making Intelligence Accessible & Implement AI
Guilherme Ramos Pereira- Executive Director at DSPA
Executive Director at DSPA
Diogo Queiroz Almeida- DSPA Playbook & Gen AI Certified
DSPA Playbook & Gen AI Certified
Cátia Pesquita- Associate Professor at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Associate Professor at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
João Pires da Cruz- Co-Founder & Partner at Closer
Co-Founder and Partner at Closer
Miguel Godinho Matos- Professor at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Professor at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Ricardo Gonçalves- Head of Center for Artificial Intelligence & Analytics at Fidelidade
Head of Center for Artificial Intelligence & Analytics at Fidelidade
Daniel Custódio - Senior Manager at Deloitte
Daniel Duarte - Senior Manager at Deloitte
Luís Bettencourt Moniz- Founder at FoxP2
João Andrade Costa- Founder at FoxP2
Luís Metelo- Director of Information and Communications Technology Systems and Security at PRR EMRP - RECUPERAR PORTUGAL
Director of Information and Communications Technology Systems and Security at PRR EMRP - RECUPERAR PORTUGAL
Vasco Figueiredo Teles- Executive Director at ATTRACT EDIH
Executive Director at ATTRACT EDIH
Luís Metelo - Director of Information and Communications Technology Systems and Security at PRR EMRP - RECUPERAR PORTUGAL
Anne Geubelle - CEO at Prologica
Vasco Figueiredo Teles - Executive Director at ATTRACT EDIH
Guilherme Ramos Pereira - [Moderator] Executive Director at DSPA
Director of Information and Communications Technology Systems and Security at PRR EMRP - RECUPERAR PORTUGAL
CEO at Prologica
Executive Director at ATTRACT EDIH
Luís Graça - Account Executive @ SAS Portugal
Account Executive @ SAS Portugal
Data Science Manager at Feedzai
Data Science Manager at Feedzai
Pedro Corista- Technical Authority for the Energy Industry | Senior Data & AI Engineer at Capgemini Engineering
Luis Doutor Simões- Tech lead for Data & AI initiatives at Capgemini Engineering
Technical Authority for the Energy Industry | Senior Data & AI Engineer at Capgemini Engineering
Tech lead for Data & AI initiatives at Capgemini Engineering
Jorge Loupa- Tableau Portugal Account Executive at Salesforce
Tableau Portugal Account Executive at Salesforce
Pedro Brandão - Head of the Center of Excellence for Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence & Market and Customer Intelligence Director at NOS Comunicações
Head of the Center of Excellence for Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence & Market and Customer Intelligence Director at NOS Comunicações
Sherif Guindy - Chief Data & Technology Officer, EssenceMediacom
Chief Data & Technology Officer, EssenceMediacom
Paulo Dimas - CEO at Center for Responsible AI
CEO at Center for Responsible AI
Nuno da Mata Almeida - Data & Analytics Business Development Director at Timestamp Group
Paulo Pereira - AI Business Unit Director at Timestamp
Business Development Data & Analytics Business Development Director at Timestamp Group
AI Business Unit Director at Timestamp
Isabel Horta - Head of Customer Intelligence & Data Science at Universo Sonae
Head of Customer Intelligence & Data Science at Universo Sonae
Rui Almeida- Insights & Marketing Sciences Director at MediaBrands
Insights & Marketing Sciences Director at MediaBrands
Carlos Gomes - Chief Operations Officer at Magma Studio
Chief Operations Officer at Magma Studio
Ernesto Pedrosa - CEO at Automaise
CEO at Automaise
Marco Pinheiro - Head of Data & AI CC at Digital Global Unit - EDP
Francisco Maria Santos - Head of Generative AI CC at Digital Global Unit - EDP
Head of Data & AI CC at Digital Global Unit - EDP
Head of Generative AI CC at Digital Global Unit - EDP
Fernando Matos - President at DSPA
Guilherme Ramos Pereira - Executive Director at DSPA
Maria Estarreja- Professora, Diretora Executiva de Marketing e Diretora Executiva do Retail Innovation Lab na CATÓLICA-LISBON
Professora, Diretora Executiva de Marketing e Diretora Executiva do Retail Innovation Lab na CATÓLICA-LISBON
Num mundo cada vez mais digitalizado torna-se relevante que as
Marcas saibam como tirar partido das possibilidades que a WWW e a Cloud
oferecem. Em 15 minutos, apresentamos use cases práticos que espelham porquê
e como contruir a presença digital de uma Marca, num mundo digital.
Recognition of two Data Industry Professionals in two categories (Data Executive of the Year, and Data Scientist of the Year), celebrating the excellence of professionals in our ecosystem, and of the Data Science and AI Innovative Project of the Year.
Voting to take place on DSPA's app (‘DSPA Playbook’), and the announcement of the winners will take place on stage at the event on September 22.
In this talk, we will explore the immense power and versatility of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will delve into how this extraordinary tool can revolutionize not only individual companies, but entire industries. Through a series of successful use cases and applications, we will uncover the remarkable benefits that accompany the adoption of generative AI.
The advent of generative AI has fueled innovation in previously unimagined ways, fostering accelerated growth and efficiency across various sectors.
Generative AI provides businesses with unparalleled opportunities for creativity and problem-solving. Generative AI fosters automation and streamlines labor-intensive tasks, freeing up valuable human resources to focus on more complex and strategic initiatives. This leads to higher productivity, improved operational efficiency, and exponential cost savings.
Throughout the talk, we will touch upon several successful use cases, demonstrating how generative AI has already been leveraged across various industries. From healthcare to finance, from entertainment to manufacturing, the transformative impact of generative AI is evident. By showcasing these real-world applications, attendees will gain insights into how this technology can be tailored to meet their specific industry needs.
By the end of the talk, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the vast applications and benefits of generative AI adoption. They will be equipped with the knowledge to embrace this groundbreaking technology and unleash its potential within their own organizations, ensuring a brighter and more innovative future across industries.
In this session, João will talk about how VR, AR and AI can enhance live entertainment bringing new layers of interactivity between the performer and the audience. He'll also create a unique "man vs. machine" mind-reading moment where he'll compete against ChatGPT to read the audience's minds.
Identity issues are logically related to individual and personal choices purposely highlighting individual characteristics of the specific respondents. The multiplication of a set of individual, social, demographic characteristics ends up having an exclusion effect on these, given usually the particularities they entail. This exclusion is fueled by the fact that we do not have enough information yet on these groups to integrate them into groups that are statistically relevant. The session intends to simply approach this issue from a logical discussion and perspective.
Generative AI is rapidly advancing and already transforming education and business. In this insightful lecture, Dr Aalok Y Shukladraws on firsthand experiences with AI to take you from the classroom to the boardroom.
In education, we learn how AI is unlocking creativity and captivating students in schools with insights from an AI summer school.
In business, discover how organisations in the UK leverage AI for more productivity and gain insights into how AI agents will shape workflows and work alongside humans.
Get a perspective from AI's current applications to future trends, this talk provides a deep dive into AI in action. Attendees will leave with an elevated perspective of AI's capabilities and impacts across industries.
Performance metrics of the profiles of the main Portuguese political parties on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, and X) relating to "attraction" (followers), "relationship" (engagement) and "production" (creation of content, posts and Tweets). Performance rankings.
Content analysis using NLP (Natural Language Processing), performance of the themes used by the parties on social networks.
Political parties on TikTok - a first approach.
Apresentação do projecto que envolve a utilização dos serviço de Azure
OpenAI (Generative AI) no desenvolvimento e implementação de um Chatbot para
responder a todas as questões/dúvidas que envolvem o Plano de Recuperação e
Resiliência (PRR) Nacional.
Comecemos pela mais simples de todas, para que serve o PRR?
O Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) serve para promover investimentos
e reformas em diversas áreas, como finanças públicas, serviços sociais,
saúde, mercado de trabalho, educação, pesquisa, inovação, transição
climática e digital, ambiente empresarial e sistema judicial. O objetivo é
enfrentar eficazmente os desafios económicos e sociais do país, melhorar a
competitividade da economia portuguesa, potencializar a capacidade
empreendedora das empresas, o investimento e o emprego, além de melhorar o
ambiente empresarial propício ao investimento, com impacto positivo na
produtividade e no crescimento.
We are at a tipping point for using Artificial Intelligence (AI), High-Performance Computing (HPC), and specially, the combination of both. We at ATTRACT European Digital Innovation Hub are leading an opportunity for companies and Public Administration to make use of these two game-changing technologies, by easily experiment them supported by our consortium expertise. During this talk, I’ll show how we can be useful to these organisations in Portugal and Europe to boost innovation.
Estamos num ponto de viragem para a utilização da Inteligência Artificial (IA), da Computação de Alto Desempenho (HPC) e, especialmente, da combinação de ambas. No ATTRACT European Digital Innovation Hub estamos a liderar uma oportunidade para as empresas e a Administração Pública utilizarem estas duas tecnologias, experimentando-as facilmente com o apoio das competências do nosso consórcio. Durante esta palestra, mostrarei como podemos ser úteis às organizações em Portugal e na Europa para promover a inovação.
Making the right decisions has long been at the crux of business success.
Organizations face thousands of decisions each day. Those that deliver
high-quality, timely responses can optimize business operations, improve
customer engagement, and build trust with stakeholders.
This is especially true today, as organizations are forced to adapt to the
rising tide of a global pandemic, high inflation, and evolving markets.
Market behavior has changed. In turn, businesses must make difficult and
often unprecedented decisions to stay competitive.
What are the best channels to communicate with different customers? How can
manufacturers quickly diagnose defects? Can the right decision-making help
prevent fraud?
Each decision is an opportunity to drive organizational change.
The analytics age we find ourselves in is unique, powered by technologies like generative AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and automation that are going to change so much of what we take for granted today. Underpinning these technologies is data—and how we engage with it is changing, too.
Tableau has been on a 20-year journey to help people see and understand data—whether they are an analyst or not—because companies that use data to make decisions are more successful than those that don't. As part of our continued commitment to your success and to help you connect with your customers in new ways, we will present the next generation of Tableau that will make analyzing data as simple as posing a question. Powering it all will be Einstein, the artificial intelligence currently making Salesforce’s portfolio of products smarter. This will provide a new level of data experience for analytics consumers that will help make data accessible to everyone in your organization.
Para uma estratégia de inteligência artificial bem-sucedida numa
organização existe uma espécie de duplo algoritmo. Por um lado, existe o
algoritmo tecnológico que necessita de computação e matemática. Por outro
lado, existe o algoritmo humano que precisa de um processo de aprendizagem
sucessiva, de descodificação organizacional e de evolução cultural. Quando
olhamos retrospetivamente, são as empresas que dominam o segundo algoritmo
que prosperam neste contexto tecnológico.
In 2022, GroupM predicted 90% of Media would be impacted by AI in some way by 2032. At EssenceMediacom, we have invested heavily in AI and Machine Learning to fuel all of our planning, activation, campaign automation and measurement products with AI to create breakthrough for brands. I am excited to take you through some of these products, and how they have helped some of the biggest brands win in the new communications economy.
We'll be talking about the impact that Generative AI will have on economic growth and jobs automation. The challenges, risks and opportunities ahead. We'll also discuss Portugal's strategy, through the Center for Responsible AI, to lead in Responsible AI technologies and principles.
This session will address the main challenges and caveats of moving from a proof-of-concept Gen AI pilot to a full-production system. From choosing the right architectural approach, guaranteeing the correct governance and lineage in compliance with the forthcoming EU Data and AI regulations, to choosing the best training data for specialized purpose models. We will illustrate this process with a real use-case.
EDP invites you to witness in firsthand the transformational potential of Generative Al in internal operations, employee augmenting, communication, and customer engagement.
You will have the chance to explore real EDP case studies and discover our implementation strategy and operational model for Generative Al applications.
Recognition of two Data Industry Professionals in two categories (Data Executive of the Year, and Data Scientist of the Year), celebrating the excellence of professionals in our ecosystem, and of the Data Science and AI Innovative Project of the Year.
Voting to take place on DSPA's app (‘DSPA Playbook’), and the announcement of the winners will take place on stage at the event on September 22.
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_fbp | This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisement when they are on Facebook or a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website. | O cookie "_fbp" identifica os browsers com a finalidade de fornecer serviços de análise de sites e anúncios | 3 meses | |
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UserMatchHistory | LinkedIn Ads ID syncing . Used to track visitors on multiple web sites, in o rder to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. | Usado para rastrear visitantes em múltiplos websites de forma a apresentar publicidade relevante baseada nas preferências dos visitantes ao site. Análises do LinkedIn Ads, LinkedIn Insights e Ads Tags | 29 dias | |
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NID | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. | Registers a unique ID th at identifies a returning user's d evice. The ID is used for targeted ads. A maioria dos utilizadores Google terá um cookie de preferências chamado "NID" em seus navegadores. Um navegador envia este cookie com solicitações para os sites Google. O cookie NID contém um ID exclusivo que o Google utiliza para guardar as suas preferências e outras informações, como idioma preferido (por exemplo, inglês), quantos resultados de pesquisa deseja exibir por página (por exemplo, 10 ou 20) e se deseja ativar o filtro SafeSearch do Google. | 6 meses | |
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