Guilherme Ramos Pereira - Executive Director at DSPA
Executive Director at DSPA
Guilherme Ramos Pereira - Executive Director at DSPA
Executive Director at DSPA
Fernando Matos- President at DSPA
Guilherme Ramos Pereira- Executive Director at DSPA
Guilherme Ramos Pereira- Executive Director at DSPA
Cátia Lopes - Learning & Development Manager at BridgeLK
Executive Director at DSPA
Learning & Development Manager at BridgeLK
Pedro Moura - Chief Marketing Officer at Landing.Jobs
Chief Marketing Officer at Landing.Jobs
Miguel Gonçalves - Commander in Chief at Magma Studio
Rodrigo Girão Serrão - Python Trainer
Miguel Moreira - Vice President at DSPA
Vice President at DSPA
Rute Sousa Vasco- Producer and Author at The Next Big Idea
Teresa Alpuim - Professor at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Liliana Ferreira - Executive Director at Fraunhfer Portugal - AICOS
Isabel Vaz - CEO at Luz Saúde
Ana Paula Reis - Co-Founder at BridgeWhat / Entrepeneur / Investor
Producer and Author at The Next Big Idea
Professor at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Executive Director at Fraunhfer Portugal - AICOS
CEO at Luz Saúde
Co-Founder at BridgeWhat / Entrepeneur / Investor
Ana Paula Marques- Executive Board Member at EDP
Executive Board Member at EDP
Manuel Dias - National Technology Director at Microsoft
National Technology Director at Microsoft
Fernando Matos - President at DSPA
President at DSPA
Jakob Kofoed - Nordic Head of Data and Analytics at Accelation / GroupM
Nordic Head of Data and Analytics at Accelation / GroupM
Pedro Gouveia - Breast Surgeon, Designer and Researcher at Fundação Champalimaud
Breast Surgeon, Designer and Researcher at Fundação Champalimaud
Mark Roberts - Principal Technologist at Capgemini Engineering
Principal Technologist at Capgemini Engineering
Inês Antas de Barros - Partner at Vieira de Almeida & Associados
Partner at Vieira de Almeida & Associados
Ricardo Gonçalves - Head of Center for AI & Analytics / Board Member @ Fid I&D
Head of Center for AI & Analytics / Board Member @ Fid I&D
Vasco Figueiredo Teles - Program Manager at INESC-TEC
João Vinagre - Researcher at INESC TEC / Invited Professor at UPorto
Program Manager at INESC-TEC
Researcher at INESC TEC / Invited Professor at UPorto
Hélder Pinheiro - Data & AI Director at Claranet
Data & AI Director at Claranet
Leid Zejnilovic - Assistant Professor at NOVA SBE & Chairman at DSSG Foundation
Paulo Silva - Founder and CEO at Miles in the Sky
Miguel Moreira - Vice President at DSPA
Lénia Mestrinho - Executive Director at NOVA SBE Data Science Knowledge Center
Bruno Ramos - COO at Junior Achievement Portugal
Assistant Professor at NOVA SBE & Chairman at DSSG Foundation
Founder and CEO at Miles in the Sky
Vice President at DSPA
Executive Director at NOVA SBE Data Science Knowledge Center
COO at Junior Achievement Portugal
Woitek Szymankiewicz - Partner @ Closer Consulting
Partner @ Closer Consulting
Nuno Chicória - Data Scientist at Xpand IT
Data Scientist at Xpand IT
Florbela Costa- Technical Project Manager at Spacelab
Technical Project Manager at Spacelab
Ricardo Gil Santos - Senior Manager, Analytics & Cognitive at Deloitte
Hugo Claudio - Tech Director | AI & Data at Deloitte
Fabiana Clemente- Co-Founder and Chief Data & Product Officer at YData
Co-Founder and Chief Data & Product Officer at YData
Ricardo Cappra - Founder at Cappra Institute for Data Science
Founder at Cappra Institute for Data Science
Chiara Manfletti - Professor and Chief Operating Officer at Neuraspace
Professor and Chief Operating Officer at Neuraspace
Ricardo Chaves - Executive Director at BPI AI Center of Excellence
Executive Director at BPI AI Center of Excellence
Luis Cordeiro - Senior Data Analyst - Advanced Analytics at EDP
Nela Meneses - Vegetation Management Technician at EDP
Senior Data Analyst - Advanced Analytics at EDP
Vegetation Management Technician at EDP
Erez Tourjeman - Chief Technology Officer at Paraswop.io
Chief Technology Officer at Paraswop.io
Pedro Machado - Head of B2B New Business at NOS
Filipe Mendes - Data Engineer at Capgemini Engineering
Jorge Rodrigues da Ponte - Vice President at Instituto dos Registos e Notariado
Vice President at Instituto dos Registos e Notariado
TBC (by Microsoft)
TBC (by Microsoft)
Manuel Lima - Senior Director at Interos Inc
Senior Director at Interos Inc
Gonçalo Marques Oliveira - Executive Comittee Member and CIO at Pestana Hotel Group
Executive Comittee Member and CIO at Pestana Hotel Group
Stevan Randjelovic - Director, Brand Safety and Digital Risk, EMEA at GroupM
Director, Brand Safety and Digital Risk, EMEA at GroupM
Stacy Freyre-Sanders - Marketing Lead for Metaverse and Community in Asia and INTL for Royal Society / House of First
Joseph Martin - NFT Community Builder and Moderator @ Ethereum-based projects, the Royal Society of Players, and the House of First
Marketing Lead for Metaverse and Community in Asia and INTL for Royal Society / House of First
NFT Community Builder and Moderator @ Ethereum-based projects, the Royal Society of Players, and the House of First
Amir Shayesteh Tabar - Awarded Artist and Peace Promoter
Awarded Artist and Peace Promoter
Fernando Matos - President at DSPA
President at DSPA
Guilherme Ramos Pereira - Executive Director at DSPA
Executive Director at DSPA
Recognition of two Data Industry Professionals in two categories: Data Executive of the Year (*) and Data Scientist of the Year (**), celebrating the excellence of professionals in our ecosystem, DSPA's members have nominated those they believe should be the winners in each category. Voting to take place on DSPA's (Playbook) during the event, and the announcement of the winners will take place on stage at the event on October 14.
(*) Data Executive of the Year
Recognition of a strategic leader within his/her organization in the Data domain, with responsibility in the digital transition and innovation processes of the same, using Data Science techniques and solutions, and in the support, transformation and improvement of the operational and business performance of the organization.
(**) Data Scientist of the Year
Recognition of a professional who develops work in the area of Research in a business or academic environment.
Global Tech Talent Trends 2022 - worldwide report on the tech work market covering topics like salaries, remote work, relocation, tech stacks, career drivers, job perks and many more.
In the path to decarbonization of the World economy, the Energy industry sits in the middle of two major structural shifts: digital transformation and energy transition. The role of data and analytics at the intersection of these two challenges will be the focus of this keynote address by Ana Paula Marques, Executive Board Member at EDP.
he last decade has seen dramatic leaps in the ability of machine learning to solve complex problems. Headlines proclaiming super-human accuracy on challenging problems are everywhere, and you would be forgiven for thinking that machine learning was now a solved problem revolutionising every aspect of life. However, the practical and commercial reality is quite the opposite. We don’t see the widespread successful deployments of machine learning systems, and in fact only see relatively narrow applications that rarely survive first contact with the infinite complexity of the real world. The disconnect between performance in research situations and in real-world deployments is largely due to more nuanced and multi-faceted definitions of success. Success in real-world deployments requires more qualities than just accuracy – ethics, privacy, robustness, reliability, humility, and sustainability to name just a few. This holistic challenge of Responsible AI is still in its infancy and requires data-scientists, organisations, investors, academics, and society as a whole to massively re-calibrate their expectations regarding AI and start asking not just “can we use it?”, but crucially also “should we use it?”.
In times of profound digital transformation, the European data strategy aims to ensure the EU's leadership role in a data-driven society. It is in this context that several EU legislative initiatives are emerging, such as the one providing for the creation of European data spaces that will allow data to flow freely within the EU and across all sectors, to the benefit of businesses, researchers and public administrations. The health data space will be at the forefront of the implementation process, and will be subject to substantial regulation – however, it is set to unequivocally push the information monetisation process forward significantly.
The power of Applied Data Science, in a traditional business, such as an Insurance Group. CAA@Fidelidade’s six-year Data Science adventure.
ATTRACT DIH (Digital Innovation Hub for ArTificial InTelligence and High-PeRformAnce CompuTing @ Portugal) believes that digital transformation, namely solutions based on AI and HPC, will represent important business opportunities at the international level, for companies and technological sectors, allowing significant qualitative leaps in the performance of organisations.
A melhoria da experiência dos produtos e serviços, e o aumento da eficiência no desenvolvimento das operações são dois dos principais objetivos das organizações associados a Data & AI.
A prática de Observability desenvolve-se a partir das áreas de Monitoring, APM (Application Performance Monitoring) e Operational Insights. O objetivo é aperfeiçoar a supervisão sobre as aplicações e plataformas, acelerar o processo de troubleshooting e a respetiva resolução de problemas, de modo a aumentar a disponibilidade e melhorar a experiência associada a esses serviços e produtos.
Nesta sessão iremos abordar o que é Observability, quais as vantagens, os Building Blocks críticos de uma solução e os Use Cases mais relevantes, sem esquecer os fatores críticos de sucesso para a sua implementação.
Client Case: Western Power Distribution – (Now known as National Grid)
With network operators looking to decentralize and transition to distribution system operators(DSO), accurate network data is becoming increasingly important. Asset data is often missing, erroneous and outdated which can hinder decision-making. To support network improvement projects and investment planning, operators need high-quality network data. In this presentation, Isa explores the use of Machine Learning with Spatial Graphs to clean network asset data.
In the paradoxical world, where information and knowledge is present in abundance but we are facing a shortage of skilled labor, how we educate and do that at scale becomes increasingly important. This session is about initiatives in the traditional educational system and beyond.
Many businesses have already initiated their AI Journey, while others are still struggling to get started. It seems that the more time passes, the more difficulties we must overcome. Depending on the maturity of that journey, leaders face different challenges and are confronted with various risks: Choosing the most appropriate AI strategy, Big Data vs Small Data, Technology stacks, Legal constraints, Change management and scalability, Some focus on Data and Data Science use cases, while others concentrate their efforts on hyper-automation.
Whatever your priorities are, know that you are not alone on this journey. Join us and find out what other businesses do right now and how they approach the adoption of AI, Data Science and Hyper-Automation to grow and boost their competitiveness.
Xpand IT’s data science project methodology and use cases demonstrating this methodology.
Different project management methodologies have been developed over the years, and while there are numerous methodologies, they all have one common goal: to ensure that a project is completed on time, within budget, and delivers on its objectives. However, for data-driven projects, the traditional project management methodologies may not be the best fit. The Agile methodology is a popular choice for data-driven projects as it is designed to accommodate changes and unforeseen events, but in the end, the right methodology for your project depends on your organization’s goals and needs.
Here, we will present XP4DS, our methodology for managing data science projects in an Agile environment, which mainly consists of 3 phases: a) viability analysis, where the viability of the project is evaluated, both from the business and technical perspectives; b) modeling/execution, a cyclic phase where data and modeling prototyping is done, resulting in new insights and finally c) deployment and monitoring, where the new insights are utilized to make improvements to the organization and monitored/maintained. Several use cases demonstrating our methodology will also be presented.
Our guest will present the evolution of Mars exploration, with a special focus on the contribution of maxon’s drive mechanisms in the conquest of Mars. She will explain the type of modifications made to the industrial catalogue products to make them resistant to the extreme conditions of the Martian environment. Finally, she will give an overview of the team behind these projects and of her professional career.
In a time where most organizations already started the analytics journey and have use cases implemented and in implementation, there is a “mind the gap” hover on the analytics strategy: the capability to run and monitoring all models, the ability to scale-up the use cases and the urgency to ensure data governance is in place. This session is about how Cloud is closing this gap and what are the key ingredients to a successful journey.
Under the light of Data-Centric AI, the importance of the data for the boosting and success of AI models has grown. The focus of the presentation is to showcase how the right data profiling and preparation can help the organization to improve the performance and results of their AI initiatives and how YData Fabric best supports a data-centric development approach
Uma sessão sobre o entendimento, e explicação, do impacto dos dados na sociedade e nos negócios, e a partir disso, a criação de métodos para acelerar o desenvolvimento analítico, simplificando o uso da ciência aplicada aos dados, para acelerar a implementação de cultura analítica nas organizações.
Neuraspace has rasied 25M euros for a Smart Traffic Management Solution for Satellite Constellations.
Morgan Stanley forecasts the space industry, which is today at 350 billion USD, to top 1 trillion dollars by 2040. But this growth is threatened by space debris and an increasing number of active satellites. Satellite operators already pay the price, with a deluge of alerts, most of them false, and therefore performing unnecessary manoeuvres. With an emergency manoeuvre in LEO costing €25,000, a 300-satellite constellation may receive about 580 alerts per year requiring human intervention and satellite manoeuvre, costing €14 million per year. To address these problems, current approaches face serious challenges: (1) Lack of data on space debris;
(2) High number of false alerts and a large uncertainty; (3) Lack of scalability and automation for an increasing number of assets.
Neuraspace is the first AI / ML platform addressing these New Space challenges. Our customers are satellite operators facing these challenges to perform space operations, and other stakeholders in need of these services (e.g insurance providers for satellite operators, software providers and regulators). The PRR Agenda “Neuraspace – AI fight Space Debris”, will allow the company to acquire sensor infrastructure (radars) and boost the company growth and product development.
Challenges of setting up AI at scale and create the transformation drive to turn around the delivery model of an universal incumbent
E-Redes manages more than 80.000 km of aerial power lines, many of which in rural areas with dense vegetation. The security distance between power lines and surrounding vegetation must be closely monitored for compliance with regulations. Predicting vegetation growth around power lines is key to managing risks and rationally deploy existing resources, acting where and when it matters most. This talk will give you a glimpse of how E-Redes uses data & AI to achieve this goal.
Um operador de comunicações detém uma fonte riquíssima de dados, capaz de entender padrões e perfis de mobilidade que impactam diferentes sectores de atividade. Para extrair este valor é fundamental ter capacidade de trabalhar os dados e gerar insights que possam apoiar a tomada decisão das empresas no seu dia-a-dia.
In today’s context the travel and hospitality is at the forefront of the leveraging data to leverage the growth path, post-covid. But, the changing market trends and players, the customer profiles, competition and offerings are set to push ahead the relevance of the good and timely use of data and analytics to make a difference. This short presentation will seek to highlight some key use cases and data related technology.
A new iteration of the Internet known as Web3 is changing the world powered by several key proponents including non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs consist of cryptocurrencies, which serve as the protocol layer of its technology stack.
During the summer of 2017, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization stood at US$100m but driven by a wave of NFT enthusiasm had risen to a US$3.048trn peak, in November 2021.
uA closer look at the trading volume reveals the evolution of cryptocurrencies from a peer-to-peer electronic cash to the Layer-1 protocol technology of NFTs and the shift from a retail dominated investment to an early-stage institutional investment target, which accounted for eight percent of the 2021 cryptocurrency trading volume.
uMoving forward, despite the pause in user adoption, NFT communities continue to discover and build utility. With new utility and increased institutional investment the cryptocurrency and NFT space impact on Web3 adoption should see more exponential growth in the coming years.
Today after many years I opened the file for the Print from the Blue Symphony collection...
When someone painting or drawing something, he or she can not see the work... others can see... but not the Artist, because the Artist is from the beginning till to the end involved; it's part of the work happening there gradually...
I never saw my works as third person which can see something totally new...
Now after many years I saw one of my works which was finished about 2003 (totally done Digital that time)
It brought tears to my eyes... I was truly touched, the work impressed me... somehow I was looking at the file on the computer as a new person simply to see your child after about 2 decades...
As a worker in the temple of Art for about half century and traveling around. visiting phenomenal Art creations in different parts of the world, I can say by confident now and to my heart that The Blue Symphony Collection is a Masterpiece.
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