Meet the speakers!

Nela Meneses
Vegetation Management Technician at EDP
Vegetation Management Technician at EDP
Awarded Artist and Peace Promoter
Executive Board Member at EDP
Administradora Executiva da EDP SA, CEO da EDP Produção e membro do Conselho de Administração da EDP Renováveis, EDP Brasil e EDP Espanha. Adicionalmente, é responsável pelos pelouros de Inovação, Tecnologia & Digital, Regulação e Gestão de Stakeholders do Grupo EDP.
Anteriormente foi Administradora Executiva e Vice-Presidente da NOS, Presidente da APRITEL (Associação dos Operadores de Comunicações Eletrónicas) e membro não executivo do Conselho de Administração da SportTV.
Iniciou a sua carreira no Marketing na Procter & Gamble.
É licenciada em Economia pela FEP e tem MBA pelo INSEAD. É Professora convidada na Porto Business School e na Faculdade de Economia do Porto.
COO at Junior Achievement Portugal
An IT and cloud veteran with 25 years of experience in which he held both technical and business roles. Erez has grown with the industry without a formal academic experience and has delivered successful projects to enterprise organizations around the globe including telcos, banks, utility providers and more. His curiosity and passion has led him lately to the blockchain industry where he leads innovation and data science in full power.
Co-Founder at BridgeWhat / Entrepeneur / Investor
Ana Paula Reis is an entrepreneur and Co-founder of Bridgewhat, a Growth-as-a-Service platform, in a B2B digital transformation context.
As an investor, she has served as Member of the Board and the Executive Committee of Bynd Venture Capital. On top, she has served as non-executive Board Member in several Real Estate development companies and as Advisor to the Board of Business Creation of EIT Manufacturing. Co-founder of the SelPlus/Seldata Group (2002-2018), she successfully exited these companies to the global sector leader. Ana was Sales and Marketing Director for forumB2B.com (2001/2002) and had a successful career at Mars (1990-2000), where she was Management Team Member in Portugal and Spain since 1992 and held several senior positions in Planning, Operations, Finance and Sales.
She earned a Global Executive MBA from IESE Business School in 2007 after a B.S. degree in Business Management from ISCTE, in 1990. In 2017, Ana took the Harvard Business School, Women on Boards – Succeeding as a Corporate Director Program. YPOer since 2005, Ana has held several Board positions, both in the Portuguese Chapter as in International Networks.
Currently living in Lisbon, Ana speaks four languages, is a life learning seeker, avid reader and sports and art lover.
Learning & Development Manager at BridgeLK
Professor and Chief Operating Officer at Neuraspace
Has a dual Italian and German nationality. She holds a degree in aeronautical engineering from Imperial College London (2001), a masters degree in "space studies" from the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg (2002) and a PhD from German University of Aachen (2010). She also holds a masters in history from the UK Open University (2013). She worked for the German Aerospace Center, DLR, as a research engineer in the field of liquid rocket propulsion and later joined the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2016, where she has been the Programme Advisor to the Director General at the agency's headquarters in Paris and guided the process of preparing ESA Ministerial Meetings and coordinating programmatic content proposed to Member States for subscription and their financial elements. In March 2019 she was nominated the first President of the then just founded Portuguese national space agency, Portugal Space. She was seconded from ESA to Portugal and within one-and-half years setup the space agency from scratch as a modern space agency and established a new space implementation strategy for Portugal working with partners within and outside of the country. In September 2020, she returned to ESA as the Head of Policy and Programmes Coordination department at ESA. Today she is Professor of Space Propulsion at the Technical University of Munich in Germany and Director and Chief Operating Officer of Neuraspace.
Tech Director | AI & Data at Deloitte
Co-Founder | Chief Data & Product Officer at YData
Fabiana has been leading state-of-the-art AI projects and products not only in global companies but also in startups. With a Bachelor's in Applied Math, she is passionate about the data revolution we are living. She has also developed a special concern around privacy and the conscious use of data which led her to found YData. She aims to inspire more women to follow her steps and join entrepreneurship and the tech community.
Fabiana’s mission is to inspire data scientists and enthusiasts to create responsible AI solutions by adopting a data-centric approach.
President at DSPA
Entrepreneur.Creative.Complexity Challenger
Main focus today: using Intelligence (Data & AI) to solve unsolved complex business challenges, making our client lives easier.
25+ years of experience in consulting and 15+ of entrepreneurship.
Member of the board of Closer and Red Zebra Analytics. President of DSPA (Data Science Portuguese Association).
Led several dozens of consulting projects: data science, AI, business intelligence, dashboarding, customer service (firts project in 1998 @Telecel, back-office optimization, scripting, agents performance, staff monitoring, capacity planning, voice of the customer), forecasting, optimization, digital signage, cloud, mobile and internet of things. Mainly in Financial Industry, Telecoms and Contact Center Providers.
Main clients: Activobank; ALD Automotive; Alcatel; Atento; Banco Mello; Banco Postal; Banco Privado Português; Banco Santander Negócios de Portugal; Banif; Barclays Bank Portugal e Londres; BES e BES Investimento; BNC; BPI; BPI Factor; BPI Leasing; BPI Rent; BPN; Caixa Geral de Depósitos; Caixa Leasing e Factoring; Carrefour; CMVM; Deutsche Bank; Esegur; Fidelidade Mundial; Finibanco; Heller Factoring; Imovest; Jaguar Land Rover; Liq (Brasil); Media Capital; Mello Valores; Millenium BCP; Movicel (Angola); NCO Dealer; NOS; Sogrupo SA; Swiss Mobiliar; Tranquilidade; ZON Multimedia; Valorsul; Vodafone.
Speaker in several conferences and seminars: data science, advanced analytics, business intelligence, dashboarding, customer service, digital signage and internet of things.
Member of the board of Social Responsibility Association (Voar para o Sucesso). Member of the board of a football academy (Escola de Futebol Benfica Almada). Was president of a sports club (Almada Atlético Clube).
Sports lover. Married and father of three boys.
Gonçalo Oliveira holds a Management Degree from the Portuguese Catholic University and an MBA from INSEAD, in Fontainebleau. Before joining the Pestana Hotel Group, the largest multinational hotel group of Portuguese origin, Gonçalo was the COO/CIO and Executive Board Member of Tranquilidade, an insurance company. Previously Gonçalo had served as CIO at Galp Energia until 2017, which followed his 12 years at Portugal Telecom (PT), where he was, among other, Head of Information Systems and Board Member of PT-SI (the IT branch of Portugal Telecom). In March 2020 he joined the Pestana Hotel Group as member of the Executive Committee and CIO.
During his professional career spanning over twenty years, Gonçalo Oliveira had several responsibilities in the fields of Digital Transformation, IT, Operations, Customer Care, Strategy and also in Consulting, having worked at McKinsey & Co. Gonçalo lives in Lisbon with his wife and two young children.
She has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (1990) and has a Master of Business and Administration (MBA) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1994).
After graduation, she began his professional life as a research scientist at the Institute of Experimental Biology and Technology (IBET). She was Engineer Manufacturing Project in Atral Cipan Group. In 1992, she joined McKinsey, strategic consulting company senior management, where she was senior consultant for seven years, participating in projects primarily in banking and insurance.
Since 1999, she’s Chief Executive Officer of Luz Saúde Group, leading more than thirteen thousand employees in 28 health facilities, including the Hospital da Luz in Lisbon. Since 2012, the Group manages also a public hospital in a public-private partnership - Hospital Beatriz Angelo, in Loures.
She was member of the Board of Faculty in the New School of Business and Economics of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and member of the International Advisory Board of The Lisbon MBA in the same university.
She was also member of the General Council of the Universidade de Lisboa.
She regularly held conferences on health management, leadership, human resources and financial sustainability of health systems at the invitation of several universities and other institutions.
In 2015, she received the award «Excellens Oeconomics 2015» from Jornal de Negócios, for being the best portuguese manager of the year.
In 2017, she received the award «Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo 2017» from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), awarded to former students who distinguished themselves in their professional and social career.
In 2019, she was considered one of the 10 most powerful portuguese women by Forbes magazine.
In September 2020, it was for the 5th consecutive time, considered one of the most influential women in Portugal by Revista Executiva.
NFT Community Builder and Moderator @ Ethereum-based projects, the Royal Society of Players, and the House of First
Is an NFT Community Builder and Moderator for Ethereum-based projects, the Royal Society of Players, and the House of First. Bringing over 20 years of equity trading and global investment banking senior leadership roles experience to educate, facilitate, and write about the progression of our digital society.
Senior Data Analyst - Advanced Analytics at EDP
Principal Technologist at Capgemini Engineering
Mark has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and has 20 years’ experience applying advanced data-science, AI and bespoke algorithm & software development for some of the world's leading R&D companies. He’s worked in a wide variety of technical roles, as well as business analysis, project & programme management, and strategic leadership roles.
As the Principal Technologist in the CTO office of Capgemini Engineering’s Hybrid Intelligence team, he works to identify emerging technologies and important technological shifts, building capabilities to enable customers to innovate at the cutting edge of science and technology. This “big picture” focus gives him a unique perspective and foresight across the entire technological landscape which feeds into Capgemini’s industry-leadership across a wide range of emerging technologies and sectors.
CEO Nordics, Business Science at Business Science
Jakob works as Chief Technology Officer at Acceleration Nordics, WPP’s global data and technology consultancy. He has a background in Econometrics and for the last 15 years, Jakob has helped global clients use data and technology to optimize their marketing investment and deliver growth to their business. He is passionate about product innovation and leads Acceleration’s 6-year collaboration with MIT with a focus on building new capabilities for clients based on Cloud and Artificial Intelligence.
Board Member at GroupM
Vice-Presidente at Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado
Assistant Professor @ Nova SBE, Chairman @ DSSG Foundation
Executive Director at Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center
Vice President at DSPA
Consultor Independente em Tecnologia para diversas organizações principalmente em Serviços de Tecnologia, Educação Digital e Telecomunicações. Cofundador da TechRemoteHub (TRH), empresa de nearshore de serviços de tecnologia Salesforce, membro da direção da DSPA (Data Science Portuguese Association), e colaborador da escola oficial de formação Salesforce (ISDI). Anteriormente, fundou a Iamplification, uma startup de serviços de educação digital, e promotora de diversos cursos de educação digital e Ed-Tech. Foi também consultor da NOVA SBE para a educação digital, lançou a Academia Digital da APDC, e colaborou com a Singularity University Portugal.
Anteriormente, foi responsável pelas Alianças Globais da WeDo Consulting e, entre 2002 e 2015, foi Administrador da Portugal Telecom, nomeadamente CEO da PT PRO, PT Sistemas de Informação e da PT Cloud and Data Centers. Iniciou sua carreira em consultoria trabalhando para PwC e Andersen Consulting
Managing Director, Southern Europe at Eurox Pharma GmbH
Founder and CEO at Miles in the Sky
Breast Surgeon, Designer and Researcher at Fundação Champalimaud
Pedro Gouveia, MD, PhD student, graduated in Medicine in 2004 at NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS|FCM), Portugal. He completed his General Surgery residency program in 2013 at Hospital de Matosinhos, after an Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Fellowship at the Paris Breast Center. He is a board certified breast surgeon by the European Society of Surgical Oncology since 2015 and is a PhD student since 2015 at Lisbon Medical School with the topic: breast cancer surgery with augmented reality.Pedro is a dedicated breast specialist, designer and researcher at the Breast Unit of Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal. Pedro actively participated in European and National research projects: Picture, na FP7 EU funded consortium between 2013 and 2016; BCCT.plan consortium as the chief medical scientis, a PT2020 funded project; and recently Pedro is the principal investigator and project manager of the BCCT.Hololens, a proof-of concept trial that aims to investigate a new non-invasive method for pre-operative localization of non-palpable lesions using artificial intelligence and augmented reality with the Hololens by Microsoft®. The first successful surgery took place at the Breast Unit, Champalimaud Clinical Centre – January 23, 2020. Pedro is also the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium Coordinator for Portugal. He has authored and co-authored several papers on international journals and authored two book chapters. He has also authored several communications in medical and technological conferences. He is reviewer for The Breast Journal and World Journal of Surgery. Pedro’s research interests include breast cancer, oncoplastic breast surgery, breast reconstruction, 3D breast modeling, surgical breast simulation, augmented reality, connected care/health, big data and artificial intelligence.
Senior Manager, Analytics & Cognitive at Deloitte
Python TrainerRodrigo has always been fascinated by problem solving and that is why he picked up programming – so that he could solve more problems. He also loves sharing knowledge, and that is why he spends so much time writing articles in his blog mathspp.com/blog, writing on Twitter @mathsppblog, and giving workshops and courses. You can also find his past Python talks here.
His main areas of scientific interest are mathematics (numerical analysis in particular) and programming in general (with a preference for the Python and APL languages), but Rodrigo also enjoys reading fantasy books, watching silly comedy movies and eating chocolate.
Vegetation Management Technician at EDP
Maria Nela Meneses Xavier, é licenciada em Estatística e Gestão de Informação pela Nova Information Management School da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e em Gestão e Administração Pública pelo ICSP – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, sendo ainda pós-graduada pelo ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa em Gestão de Sistemas de Informação.
Tem um longo percurso e experiência profissional ligada a Sistemas de Informação de Energia Elétrica. Iniciou o seu percurso profissional na EDP Distribuição na Direção de Organização e Desenvolvimento (DOD) em 2001, como Técnica e posteriormente Business Analyst e Gestora de Projetos, nas áreas de suporte à manutenção de ativos e mobilidade de equipas, destacando-se ainda as funções desempenhadas de gestão e dinamização de iniciativas LEAN, levantamento e otimização de processos, e como formadora de cursos técnicos a quadros superiores da empresa.
Em 2014 inicia funções na Direção de Tecnologia e Inovação na área de eficiência energética (DIT-AEE), onde gere projetos nacionais e internacionais com financiamento da União Europeia na área da eficiência energética, gere a conceção e produção de estratégias, eventos e materiais de comunicação nesse domínio, e desenvolve candidaturas ao Sistema de Incentivos Fiscais à I&D Empresarial (SIFIDE).
Desde 2020 integra a Direção de Gestão de Vegetação (DGV), desempenhando funções nas áreas de gestão de projetos e de melhoria de processos, destacando-se o projeto Analytics 4 Vegetation.
Researcher at INESC TEC / Invited Professor at UPorto
Program Manager at INESC-TEC
Head of Center for AI & Analytics / Board Member @ Fid I&D
O Ricardo é Licenciado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, pelo Instituto Superior Técnico, da Universidade de Lisboa. É o director do Center for AI & Analytics da Fidelidade, onde desde 2016 se encontra a implementar um programa inovador e ambicioso de orientação da Seguradora às melhores práticas de Data Science e Inteligência Artificial existentes no mercado internacional. É Board Member da FID – I&D, que consiste na empresa de Inovação e Desenvolvimento do Grupo Fidelidade. Dispõe duma vasta experiência de mais de 20 anos em Data Science e AI, tendo iniciado a sua carreia profissional na Dun & Bradstreet Portugal, passando vários anos no Grupo Portugal Telecom, onde assumiu variadas responsabilidade sempre associadas às diversas áreas de Analytics.
Nuno has been working at Xpand IT for the past 3 years as a Data Scientist. He is a Bachelor in Biochemistry and a Master in Bioinformatics. During his studies he was one of the co-founders of JEST, a junior enterprise based at the University of Coimbra that provides both data science workshops to the student community and data science services to local companies. He moved from Academia to the Enterprise world to be able to work with different data, teams and methodologies on a regular basis. So far, he has worked in the fields of online and physical retail, banking and service providing.
Founder at Cappra Institute for Data Science
Pesquisador de cultura analítica, autor e empreendedor. Fundou o Cappra Institute for Data Science onde pesquisa o impacto dos dados na sociedade e nos negócios, a partir disso, cria métodos, projetos, labs e startups que aceleram o desenvolvimento analítico de pessoas e empresas ao redor do mundo. Cappra já ajudou organizações como Governo dos EUA, Abbott Laboratories, Unilever, B3, Banco do Brasil, Gol Linhas Aéreas, Banco Santander, UOL, Whirlpool, Banco Mundial, Rede Globo, Banco Itaú, Ambev,… ricardocappra.com
Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence Executive Director at BPI
O percurso profissional de Ricardo Chaves tem vindo a ser diversificado, destacando-se a passagem, numa fase inicial, pela área financeira (Banif Investimento, Ministério das Finanças), seguida de uma passagem pela McKinsey & Company como Associate. Posteriormente, durante cinco anos, assumiu a área de Business Development numa empresa nacional de relevo, de cariz familiar, tendo tido como principal desafio criar e dirigir uma startup de aluguer de equipamentos (MACHrent), que se tornou uma das Top 5 no seu setor. Em 2011 regressa à McKinsey & Company como Associate Principal participando em vários projetos em Portugal, Espanha, Brasil e Angola, desenvolvidos nas áreas da Banca e Telecomunicações, sempre com um foco em Marketing & Vendas (estratégia, pricing, product development, estratégia de distribuição, digital transformation) e a integração na equipa de liderança de um hub mundial especializado em Advanced Analytics e Machine Learning, integrado no universo McKinsey Solutions. Ricardo Chaves tem uma licenciatura em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa e um Mini-MBA organizado pela McKinsey, com o INSEAD, Kellog e Harvard. After over 4 years as SIBS’s Chief Commercial Officer, Ricardo is now the Executive Director of BPI’s AI Center of Excellence.
Journalist & media entrepreneur at MadreMedia
Jornalista e publisher da MadreMedia. Iniciou o percurso como jornalista no jornal Público, foi editora da Revista Exame, diretora da Revista Ganhar do Jornal de Negócios e diretora de conteúdos do Portal SAPO. É co-autora e produtora do programa "The Next Big Idea", em exibição na SIC Notícias desde 2012. Escreveu dois livros, “A sorte dá muito trabalho" (2012) e “Banco bom, banco mau” (2014).
Pedro Moura holds a degree in Computer Science from Instituto Superior Técnico and a Post-grad in Sociology from Universidade de Évora. Since 1999 he's been working on several tech and management roles across industries, having with a track record of creating, funding and managing innovative and successful products, businesses and companies across industries and technologies, both in the Big Corp and Startup worlds. Currently is Chief Marketing Officer at Landing.Jobs.
Director, Brand Safety and Digital Risk, EMEA at GroupM
EMEA Director of Brand Safety and Digital Risk, GroupM. Stevan is running GroupM’s brand safety practice for EMEA and leading on the responsible investment strategy globally. His job is to ensure that brands avoid risk but also that they invest responsibly.
Partner at Closer
Partner at Closer Consulting. Born and raised in Poland, Woitek Szymankiewicz emigrated to Germany where he took a Bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering and later in Mechanical Engineering and Business Management.
Throughout his academic career, Woitek was awarded with several scholarships that enabled him to intern in Mexico and study in Australia. He started his professional career at Audi, where he worked as an Engineer.In 2003 Woitek came to Portugal, starting a career in the world of Information Technology at Altran and later at Agap2 as Director of a Business Unit. In 2008, he joined Closer – a Data Science company specialized in Advanced Analytics, Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence -, where he is now a Partner.
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